Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mick Jagger inspired Meat Loaf to lose some extra meat
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[ # ] Mick Jagger inspired Meat Loaf to lose some extra meat
November 6th, 2006 under Meat Loaf/Jim Steinman, Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones star Sir Mack Jagger has inspired rocker Meat Loaf to hit the gym and get fit. The heavyweight Bat Out Of Hell star is impressed with ageing Jagger’s stage performances and felt he needed to get into shape if he wanted to maintain his career. Meat Loaf says, "Jagger is buff, and he has incredible stamina… He made me go down to the gym. "I’m not working weights yet, but I’m working with the treadmill." The rocker has already lost a pile of weight, but he doesn’t want to go too far. He adds, "If I weighed a buck-50 (150 pounds), I’d disappear. The wind would blow me away."

Cinema Bland

I don’t think I could picture Meat skinny, I like him just the way he is!


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