Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mel Brooks replaces himself on Broadway
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[ # ] Mel Brooks replaces himself on Broadway
February 22nd, 2007 under Broadway, Mel Brooks

Bialystock and Bloom are bidding farewell to Broadway. The Producers will play its final performance at the St. James Theatre on Sunday, April 22 after 33 preview and 2,502 regular performances. Mel Brooks' next musical, Young Frankenstein, will be the next tenant at the theater. "The last six years working on this show have been pure joy for me," Brooks said in a statement. "There is not a single person who has ever been involved with this production to whom I am not gratefully indebted to for their talent, devotion and support during the run of The Producers."


There were rumors that Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick were going to reprise their roles one last time, wonder if now that they announced the closing date they will announce that too? 


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