Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mazel, Andy Cohen is a father of 2!
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[ # ] Mazel, Andy Cohen is a father of 2!
April 30th, 2022 under Andy Cohen

Andy Cohen has bred the next Real Housewife because he announced that there is a new addition to his family.

“HERE’S LUCY!!!!! Meet my daughter, Lucy Eve Cohen! She’s 8 pounds 13 oz and was born at 5:13 pm in New York City!!! Her big brother can’t wait to meet her,” the Bravo host wrote. “Thank you to my rock star surrogate (ALL surrogates are rockstars, by the way) and everyone who helped make this miracle happen. I’m so happy.”

Lucy’s big brother, Benjamin, turned 3 in February.

I have a feeling in about 25 years, little Lucy’s last name will go from Cohen to Cooper. As in, she will marry one of Anderson Cooper’s sons.


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