WireImage (
August 11, 2010) and (
June 3, 2010)
Yesterday Mayim Bialik did a fashion no-no in the Hollywood world, Blossom attended two events in a little over two months in the same dress. Yesterday she attended the Disney/Pixar “World Of Cars Online” Launch Event in the same black and white zebra like dress that she also wore at the Melanie Segal’s Celebrity S.O.S (Save Our Seas) Lounge a little over two months beforehand. For any other lifestyle that would be OK, but in Hollywood that is a major faux pas. That and it is a little too tight for her figure, it needs to flair out little more around the stomach area. At least that is how it looks via the pictures. But other than that it looks like What Not to Wear worked on her because she looks great!