Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Makeover time on America’s Next Top Model
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[ # ] Makeover time on America’s Next Top Model
March 11th, 2009 under TV Land, Tyra Banks

Tonight is the night that America’s Next Top Models get their makeover and it is always the best episode of the season! The last few makeover episodes have been kind of boring because none of the models call Tyra Banks on some of her bad choices. So it is refreshing to see one actually say no! Let’s see how long and if that lasts on tonight’s show on The CW at 8p! If you want to see how some of the makeovers came out, check out Watch with Kristin for more sneak peeks!!!
Also tonight in the world of reality television, over on TV Land at 10p we find out if Dennis will be kicked out of High School Reunion or will someone else leave because they would rather not stay of he does?


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