Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Madonna is true black and blue
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[ # ] Madonna is true black and blue
March 11th, 2012 under Madonna

Madonna has a new album coming out so that means she is working on music videos and a tour for it. It appears that the singer is now suffering for her art because she posted pictures you will never see in Vogue.The singer shared some images on Facebook of some of the injuries she has gotten prepping to hit the road and filming the video for her new song. I guess we can Cherish the fact that this Girl Gone Wild can still be as Wild as she was when she was just a young Lucky Star.
BTW here is what the Material Girl said about each picture, Lip – “cut my lip from rehearsing Girl Gone Wild”, Leg – “bruises on my leg from rehearsal”, A$$ – “heart shaped bruise on my ass”


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