Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Looks like Studio 60 is not coming back next season
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[ # ] Looks like Studio 60 is not coming back next season
May 7th, 2007 under Friends (cast), NBC

Although Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is slated to come back on May 24th, it is not looking good that it will come back next season. According to the Post-Gazette (via The Evil Beet) after the show wrapped for the season, the sets were taken down. And things we learned for Everwood once the sets go away, so does the show. I think NBC made a mistake by keeping it on Mondays at 10p, it just wasn't a good fit with Heroes. Oh well one less thing for my DVR to record next season.
Oh and the Friends curse continues. Less than two seasons for Matt Le Blanc in Joey , one for Lisa Kudrow in The Comeback, one for Matthew Perry in Studio 60 and still no word on Courtney Cox's Dirt.   

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