For decades Saturday Night Live has been unwatchable, but for some reason things changed this season. Oh yeah, 45 happened. Someone over at the NBC variety show thought that Alec Baldwin would be perfect as the President and they were right. So right.
Then over the last few days, someone else thought that Melissa McCarthy would be perfect as his Press Secretary and they are Mensa brilliant. Who ever would’ve thought that the star of the all-woman version of Ghostbusters would be so believable as the angry lying man? But she is even better at being him than he is at being himself. So much better. And so accurate.
The show found its calling and I am actually picking up the phone when I see their name on Caller ID. I am not alone because their numbers are going up as they take on the jokes in the White House which is seriously the best thing they have done in this millennium.
Aren’t you loving this season?
To see some of the other great bits they did last night with Kristen Stewart (shockingly killing it), then