Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Liv Tyler shows us how much clothes she had to put on to be a Harlot
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[ # ] Liv Tyler shows us how much clothes she had to put on to be a Harlot
August 28th, 2019 under Hulu, Liv Tyler
Nowadays, when a woman puts on a dress, she wears the dress, underwear and maybe a bra. Back in the days of Harlots, they wore a lot more fabric than that.

Liv Tyler shared a video and showed us how many body-fitting items she has to wear for the Hulu period drama.

After watching all that she goes through to be authentic to London in the 1760s, I am so grateful to be a woman in 2019. I complain about putting on a bra. I cannot even imagine having to do all of that. If I lived back then, I would try to find a nudist colony to live in because that is way too much work and layers of clothing.


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