Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lenny Kravitz is the epitome of a rock star
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[ # ] Lenny Kravitz is the epitome of a rock star
August 20th, 2019 under 80s, Lenny Kravitz

When you picture a rock star, you picture him effortlessly walking down the steps of a private jet in an opened button-down shirt that is tucked in his clean dirty-looking jeans covering his cowboy boots. Since his future is so bright, he is going to wear shades whether it is daytime or nighttime. His hair, pulled back because he was resting on the plane before he embarks on the madness he is about to experience.

That is exactly what Lenny Kravitz looks like here in this photo as he takes his first steps out for his Raise Vibration tour. Since the American man is even cooler than we imagine, his loyal dog is by his side with no intentions of leaving it.

Even if Kravitz wasn’t a singer, he would still look like one. Since he is one, he is what the future musicians want to be. And we enjoy staring at all day long as we listen to his music.


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[ # 1261914 ] Comment from Phat girl [August 22, 2019, 11:05 am]

Sandals, not as cool as boots, but on Lenny everything works. Droooooool

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