Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lance Bass is having Rosemary’s babies
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[ # ] Lance Bass is having Rosemary’s babies
June 2nd, 2021 under Lance Bass

Lance Bass and Michael Turchin have news to share. Therefore, they made a TikTok to let everyone know they are expecting a boy and a girl around Halloween time.

If you are going to have twins during that time of year, then your announcement has to be fitting for the occasion. So they made a short Horror movie to show us that they have not one but two buns in the oven. My witch’s hat is off to them because that was brilliant!

On a more serious note, the two expecting dads shared some more information about their babies with People. They don’t have to go on Maury to find out who that dad is because, Turchin said, “When we did the egg retrieval, he fertilized half, I fertilized half. And luckily, they all turned out great.” Oh wait, they will have to go on the show to find out who fathered who. But who cares? They are both the father, and those kids are lucky to have them as their dads.

These will be the first children for the couple who have been married since 2014.


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