Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are just friends?
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[ # ] Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are just friends?
October 18th, 2006 under Sports figures

Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are taking those brokeback buddy rumors by the horns. Speculation that the Tour de France champ and the actor might be more than friends started last summer, when they were photographed together (with shirts on and off) shortly after McConaughey split with Penelope Cruz and Armstrong broke up with Sheryl Crow. Asked in November’s Details about the gay rumors, McConaughey deadpans: "We tried it. Wasn’t for us." Armstrong obviously finds the gossip less amusing. "We all have buds, we all take guy trips, but you take something very normal and put it in a magazine and people start talking," he says. "It’s like, either you sleep with everything that moves or you’re gay." After he broke up with Crow, Armstrong had hoped to drive across the country to "get back in touch with himself," the mag says. He put the brakes on the trip after learning she had breast cancer. The reason for the split? "We couldn’t get it right, we couldn’t get it wrong," he says cryptically. The LiveStrong crusader also talks about butting heads with House Speaker Dennis Hastert when he lobbied for cancer research funding and his 2005 bike ride with President Bush. "I asked the President for a billion dollars" to fight cancer, Armstrong recalls. "I sort of expected to hear ‘Sure!’ But instead I got a ‘Well, I’ll get back to you on that.’ And I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, I’m not sure you heard me.’ "

Rush & Molloy 

Yeah I believe Lance?


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