Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kristin Chenoweth has had worst things in her mouth than a dog’s water!
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[ # ] Kristin Chenoweth has had worst things in her mouth than a dog’s water!
December 3rd, 2014 under Kristin Chenoweth, Meredith Vieira

Kristin Chenoweth is on The Meredith Vieira Show today. Just before she was about to come out, the host’s dog did something wicked. The precious pooch drank some water out of the guest’s mug. Even though the actress was backstage, she heard what happened. Being who she is, before Kristin sat down she drank from the cup. Vieira tried to stop her, but the Pushing Daises star told her, “I’m drinking it! I’ve had worse things in my mouth that that.” I don’t know what that could be? I wish she would’ve elaborated. So let’s just imagine what it is because drinking water with a dog’s slobber in it, is pretty gross. I mean, their mouths are cleaner than ours are, but they also lick their balls and a$$es. Oh wait, I will not comment any further…
But back to Kristin, I am wondering if she is referring to the times Jay Leno made her eat gross things for money, I mean, charity?


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