Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kevin Hart talks about how his injury has affected his dick
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[ # ] Kevin Hart talks about how his injury has affected his dick
August 25th, 2023 under Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is 44 years old, and he thinks he can do the things that he did when he was 22. He can’t. And he found out the hard way.

The comedian challenged former New England Patriots Running Back Stevan Ridley to a 40-yard-dash and lost. Not only that, he tore his lower abdomen and hip abductors. And now he is in a wheelchair for the next six to eight weeks.

But that is not the only consequence he is suffering from. He revealed that “My dick look like a thumb. Everything swollen. Balls got big as hell.”

And now I have that image stuck in my head. However, that is not as bad as the fact that Hart now knows what his future looks like. Because as men get older, their dicks get smaller.

Oh, and if you are his friend, don’t call him and ask him how it happened because you thought he was in shape. He hates that. And with that, all his friends are doing just that.


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