Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kevin Hart and The Rock’s dueling Instagram videos!
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[ # ] Kevin Hart and The Rock’s dueling Instagram videos!
June 26th, 2015 under Kevin Hart, The Rock

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

Kevin Hart and The Rock are filming their movie Central Intelligence, and today the two men were suspended 50′ off the ground. What can you do when you are flying high like that with no where to go while you wait for them to set up the shot? If you are these two, then you record a Instagram video and curse the other one out as you claim you have the better fans.
It’s easy to be all high and mighty when the other person can’t reach you, but if I were Hart I’d be afraid when I’m back down on Earth. Because back when you are standing on two feet, DJ could not knock you off of them before you can say the word fans. Not that he would, but he could since he has football player and wrestler on his resume.
Which video do you like better? I am biased towards my alum, Dwayne Johnson. Even though I am DJ girl, I still think that these two friends should host the Oscars this year. Could you imagine how hysterical it would be?


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