Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kelly Clarkson talks about pooping during her concerts
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[ # ] Kelly Clarkson talks about pooping during her concerts
June 28th, 2023 under Andy Cohen, Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson and Andy Cohen were talking shit on Watch What Happens Live, and their conversation literally turned to shit.

The host asked her if she ever peed during a concert. She hasn’t. But she did tell him there were two times she had to stop her show to poop.

One time was when she got food poisoning in Germany and turned the bathroom into that scene from Bridesmaids. The other time was when she pooped in a trash can during a costume change at Staples.

It wasn’t all bad. She said, “Not many people have been cheered on while shitting. And I have.”

The more you know!

And you know what she didn’t know. Any of the winners of American Idol in the last five years. Do you know what? She is not alone.


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