Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Katy Perry is seeing red over a mistake!
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[ # ] Katy Perry is seeing red over a mistake!
July 1st, 2011 under Katy Perry

Katy Perry debuted her new perfume Purr, but that wasn’t the only thing she debuted. The California Gurl showed off a mistake that left her seeing red. Red hair that is.
On June 16th she Tweeted, “tonight I dye my hair a different color… Can you guess which color?!” She then followed it up by Tweeting, “So I didn’t get to the exact color I wanted from being black for so long! 2get to goal I have 2b GINGER for 3WKS #paybackfromGINGERGodsFML!” Then she explained why the wait, “If I don’t wait 3wks, I’ll end up w/no hair or a #pixie90scutw/abarretteinthefront It’s okay, I’ll get to my secret color(s) soon! #patience”
Ever since those Tweets, I have been dying to see what she looked like as a red head, and you know what she looks good as strawberry blonde. Doesn’t the new color work for her?
Too bad it isn’t staying. I guess we will have to wait another week to see what her new look will be? For some reason I think the mystery color is cotton candy pink to go with her theme her Teenage Dream album!


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