Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kanye West & 50 Cent the new Hall & Oates?
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[ # ] Kanye West & 50 Cent the new Hall & Oates?
September 5th, 2007 under 50 Cent, Hall & Oates

Idolator so brilliantly noticed that Kanye West and 50 Cent's Rolling Stone cover looks a lot like Hall & Oates CD cover for H2O and I have to say I totally agree with them. I wonder what Kanye and 50 Center think about their observation. Wonder if it will upset them as much as when Kenny Chesney sells more albums than them or will High School Musical 2 still outsell all 3 of them. Kanye, 50 Cent and Kenny Chesney's album all come on Tuesday.

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