Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joy Behar reveals she had sex with a few ghosts
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[ # ] Joy Behar reveals she had sex with a few ghosts
October 20th, 2022 under The View

You never know what is going to come out of the mouths of the ladies on The View, and today, they had two doozies in one segment.

The segment was about a haunted house in Texas where the entities still have the sexual spirit going on from the days when it was a bordello.

After they showed the clip, the women had a discussion about whether ghosts can knock you up. That is when Joy Behar, 80, quietly told them, “I’ve had sex with a few ghosts and never got pregnant.”

No one but Whoopi Goldberg heard her, so the woman who won an Oscar for Ghost said to the audience, “I don’t know how many of you heard what Joy just said, but I am going to let it ride.” And they moved on. But you can tell by Behar’s face those ghosts gave her her first name.

Now back to Whoopi and Ghost, Sarah Haines asked her, “Did you talk to them when you were Oda Mae Brown?” Without skipping a beat, Whoopi whooped her co-host’s behind with, “Here’s where the lesson comes. No! That was a movie!”

They need to talk about sexual ghosts more often on the ABC daytime talk show because that really brought the fun out of them. Politics, schmolitics.

BTW You know that during the commercial break, they asked Behar all about her trysts with the dead.


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