Seriously? OMG! WTF? » John Ingle needed General Hospital doctors on Friday
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[ # ] John Ingle needed General Hospital doctors on Friday
June 19th, 2007 under Sick Bay, TV Soaps

The patriarch of General Hospital, John Ingle (Edward Quartermaine) passed out at the Daytime Emmys according to TV Guide. John Ingle who is 79 says he is doing better now, "After a day of rushing around and not eating Friday afternoon, I felt dizzy as I entered the foyer of the Kodak Theater for the Daytime Emmys. Before I knew it, I was looking up at the paramedics, who soon took me to a local hospital for overnight observation. I was able to go home the following day after the doctors gave me a thorough examination with a clean bill of health. I appreciate everyone's concern and I look forward to heading back to the GH set on Thursday."

I can tell you that I while was walking up the red carpet with my friend, that the paramedics rushed past us and told all of the carpet to enter the Kodak Theater but they did not tell us who passed out.  It was extremely hot on the red carpet especially considering everyone was in gowns and because it was about the time that show was about the start it was really crowded which did not help things. I am glad he is doing better and it was nothing too serious. 


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