Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joe Jonas hit on his sister-in-law
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[ # ] Joe Jonas hit on his sister-in-law
March 16th, 2011 under Disney, Jonas Brothers

Joe Jonas is opening up about the Details in his life to the magazine and he told them he once hit on his brother Kevin’s wife, Danielle Deleasa. Here are the Details about that, “‘Actually, I hit on her first,'” Joe says of meeting his future sister-in-law when the band of brothers were on vacation in the Bahamas. “‘And after that she and Kevin hit it off, of course.'” I wonder if now that she knows that the oldest Jonas Brother is such a loud snorer if she wishes she chose Joe over Kevin?
In the magazine that is out on March 29, he also goes in Details about going solo, dating Ashley Green, the gay rumors, who broke his heart, drinking and basically just growing up. It is a surprising good read with sexy (yes I just wrote that) pictures to go with the story.


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