Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joe Biden reveals why he rescued Major!
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[ # ] Joe Biden reveals why he rescued Major!
February 12th, 2021 under Politics

Last night while we were sleeping, First Lady Jill Biden placed several hearts on the White House lawn with a message for the American people. Each heart had a different word on it, and those words were: Healing, Courage, Love, Compassion, Gratitude, Peace, Amor, Strength, Kindness, Family, and Unity.

Then this morning, she and her husband walked by them and talked to the press. President Joe Biden revealed that Valentine’s Day is his wife’s favorite holiday. Back when he was Vice President, she would put hearts on the windows in his office that read Joe loves Jill. He does not deny that he loves her more, and that is why his name comes first. That is why people say they have a great love affair.

Not only do they love each other, but they also love their dogs Champ and Major. Both of their dogs came with them on the walk, and the press asked them about their best friends.

POTUS told them why they rescued Major. “Champ is an old one…He is almost 14 years old,” Biden said. “I asked the vet, ‘What can we do to keep Champ going?’ He said, ‘Get him a young dog.'” It is working, and the two First Dogs are buddies.

The president is also a buddy to the press. One of the reporters kept joking with him about bringing them out coffee too. Before he walked back into the White House, he gave her his cup to the reporter. He told her did not have a sip yet, so she could have it.

It was such a lovely moment. Especially, after the last four years. It was so nice to see someone be presidential again. Plus, I loved that he was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. It warmed my heart.

I was not enthusiastic to vote for him, but seeing all he has done since I did, I am so thrilled that I did. He is what a President should be, and we never needed that more than we do now.

Thank you to Joe, Jill, Champ, and Major for bringing class and love back to the White House.


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