Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel makes a beautiful Bridesmaid
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel makes a beautiful Bridesmaid
January 25th, 2012 under Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel

Melissa McCarthy is going to be a guest on Ellen tomorrow and Jimmy Kimmel, who will also be a guest on the show, seized the opportunity to ask the actress if he can be in the Bridesmaids’ sequel too. But he didn’t ask in any ordinary way, he dressed up like the woman who is never a bride. How beautiful does he look in fuchsia? He should dress like that on his own show because he is so pretty in purple. Seriously if he looked like that more often he wouldn’t be saying “always a host, never an actor.”
BTW tomorrow is Ellen DeGeneres’ birthday and they are going to do something special for her on the show.

UPDATE: Here is a little tribute Jimmy Kimmel made up for Ellen DeGeneres to celebrate her life on her birthday.


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