Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel gets Lost in Matthew Fox’s eyes!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel gets Lost in Matthew Fox’s eyes!
May 14th, 2009 under Jimmy Kimmel, Lost

Matthew Fox was on Jimmy Kimmel Live last and he had a staring contest with fellow gorgeous man Jimmy Kimmel. When I first started watching the video, I though Jimmy found his new Ben Affleck especially when they started singing Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes to each other and they flashed to shower scene and Matthew dropped the soap! But then as they ended the bit kind of like how Juliette ended her time on Lost, I knew Ben Affleck was still the only man for Kimmel!!! Seriously how freaking funny was that?
BTW there was also another Secrets of Lost reveal on JKL and this one comes from the lovable Jorge Garcia!!!


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