Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel ate all his daughter’s Halloween candy
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel ate all his daughter’s Halloween candy
November 2nd, 2017 under Channing Tatum, Jimmy Kimmel

For the last several years, Jimmy Kimmel has asked parents to tell their kids that they ate their Halloween candy the next day, and those rents have continued to trick their heirs out of their treats.

This year, the ABC host’s daughter, 3, is old enough to understand what Halloween is all about, but does she understand how horrible it is to have someone eat all your candy? Either awwwwwdorable little Jane is sweet like all of the Skittles or she is still a little too young to be mad at her tricksters. I am going with the latter because my friends’ kid, who is a year older, was mad that I ate one of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, so she put me in the doll house. Last year, I ate them all and the Kit Kats and she didn’t care. What is wrong with taking candy from a baby?

While Jane was OK with her mother and father eating all of her Sweedish Fish, how did Jenna and Channing Tatum’s daughter, Everly, feel about her pop sucking on all of her lollipops? To find out, then

The poor 4-year-old’s heart was broken and that broke our hearts. Good thing she has her mom’s leg to console her. Mean daddy!


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