Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jessica Simpson doesn’t wash her hair
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[ # ] Jessica Simpson doesn’t wash her hair
January 8th, 2009 under Jessica Simpson

(photo from Splash News Online)
Star Magazine has a fun story that Jessica Simpson barely washes her hair because Ken Paves reportedly tells her not to….

Ken Paves told her to shampoo only two to three times a month, she took his advice. Unfortunately, though, it has gotten the singer into some hairy situations.

"Jess' tresses are often greasy, but she hides it well," an insider tells Star. "She wears hats or reaches for the Hairdo, the clip-on extension line she created with Ken."

OMG! That is so f*cking gross. Between the extensions and real hair it must smell beyond awful and that is not mixing in the funk of sweat and sex and who knows what else. I shampoo and condition every day and my hair looks fine and the best part it smells good. Ewwww


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[ # 386469 ] Comment from Jennifer [February 26, 2010, 2:30 pm]

I don’t wash my hair, actually compared to hair being washed, my hair looks shiny and greasy but it feels soft and wonderful!!
Sure it takes about a month or so for the natural oils to get back into your hair and wearing a hat will help you deal with not seeing the changes, but once the hair gets back its natural oil, it looks great!
My mom B*tches at me for not doing it, and I am 23 years old, her hair looks like i could pull on it and it’d crumble off because its so dry and it looks gross. She even buys me the super expensive natural shampoos (which i don’t use) if you HAVE to wash your hair, use a cup of hot water and a little bit of baking soda once a week and there is your shampoo, if your hair gets to dry use hot water and apple cider vinegar, Also many people who wash their hair daily mm I have seen anyway, have more of a chance of getting lice because they like to be in clean areas. So rock on Anti-Shampooers!

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