Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jennifer Hudson’s mother and brother murdered
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[ # ] Jennifer Hudson’s mother and brother murdered
October 24th, 2008 under American Idol 1-5, Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were murdered today and her sister's 7 year old son is missing. According to WLS the police are searching for her brother-in-law as a possible suspect.

Police have confirmed Hudson's mother, Darnell Hudson Donerson, 57, is one of the deceased. The other victim has been identified as Jennifer Hudson's brother, Jason S. Hudson, 29.

The home where the bodies were discovered aruond 3 p.m. Friday is at 7019 S. Yale in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Property records indicate the home belongs to Donerson.

A search is underway for a young boy who is missing from the home. Jennifer Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, has been missing since Friday morning, according to Area 2 Deputy Chief Joseph Patterson.

Patterson said neighbors reported hearing shots between 8 and 9 a.m.

Patterson said a family member found the body of Donerson in the living room Friday afternoon and left the house to call police. When authorities arrived, they found Jason Hudson in a bedroom.

Patterson said there was no sign of forced

The Chicago Tribune is reporting thata suspect is in custody, but her nephew is still missing. Hopefully he will be found soon and be OK as OK as he can be.

Jennifer Hudson was in Tampa at the time and is traveling back to Chicago. My prayers are with her.


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