Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jason Derulo left a $5,000 tip
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[ # ] Jason Derulo left a $5,000 tip
March 9th, 2023 under Jason Derulo

Jason Derulo was in Ohama, Nebraska, with his family, and he took them out for dinner at the Charleston Restaurant. I guess he really, really, really liked the service because he gave his waiter a $5,000 tip on a nearly $800 check.

Why did the singer do it? Derulo wrote on Jordan Schaffer’s TikTok page, “You seem like a great person. Thank you for taking such great care of our fam. Keep spreading the love bro.” With tips like that, I am sure he will continue to spread the love. I would!

So what is Schaffer going to use that money for? He says that amount of cash can pay for a semester in college.

In a world full of J-Los, be more like Derulo! Seriously, we need more celebrities like him who give with their hearts and pay it forward.


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