Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jackie Mason sues Jews for Jesus
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[ # ] Jackie Mason sues Jews for Jesus
August 25th, 2006 under Admirable People, Lawsuits

Jackie Mason is suing Jews for Jesus, claiming the missionary group damaged him by using his name and likeness in a pamphlet. "While I have the utmost respect for people who practice the Christian faith, the fact is, as everyone knows, I am as Jewish as a matzo ball or kosher salami," the 75-year-old comedian said in documents filed in state Supreme Court in Manhattan. Founded in the 1970s, Jews for Jesus practices Judaism but regards Jesus as the Messiah. The $2 million lawsuit seeks the immediate destruction of the pamphlets, which Jews for Jesus members have been handing out at various points around New York City. The pamphlets feature an image of Mason next to the words "Jackie Mason … A Jew for Jesus!?" with information inside that outlines the similarities between Jews and Christians. "The pamphlet uses my name, my likeness, my `shtick’ (if you will), and my very act, which is derived from my personality, to attract attention and converts," Mason said in an affidavit. Susan Perlman, a spokeswoman for Jews for Jesus, said the pamphlet was "good-natured." "Shame on him for getting so upset about this," she said Friday.


WTF were they thinking? Seriously logic?


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