Seriously? OMG! WTF? » It’s time again to prove which Paranormal Files are Fact or Faked
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[ # ] It’s time again to prove which Paranormal Files are Fact or Faked
October 19th, 2011 under Syfy

Tonight on Syfy at 10p a new season of Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files prove which ones are Fact and which ones are Faked. During the season premiere they will show if a UFO really was seen near Roswell and if a graveyard is haunted, what they find at one of these cases will scare not only them but you!
I love when this show proves how things that seems so real turn out to be fake! Sometimes it is a just simple explanation that has made so many believe something so extraordinary can happen. While it might bum out the believers, it intrigues me!


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