Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Isla Fisher took her mom to a full frontal strip club
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[ # ] Isla Fisher took her mom to a full frontal strip club
August 29th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien

Isla Fisher looks so sweet and innocent even though she is married to Sasha Baron Cohen, but turns out there is a reason she married someone like him. When her mom was getting married, the Wedding Crasher took her to a strip club for her Bachlorette party. But it doesn’t stop there, she also made her mother wear a red dog collar. That leash was so hot to one of the strippers because as she told Conan O’Brien yesterday on his TBS talk show, when she came out of the bathroom Mrs Borat saw him trying to teabag her mom. Which is kind of impossible, although I think Isla has some pretty big balls for taking her mom to dicky bar. As much as I love going to them there was no way in hell I could’ve ever have gone to one with my mom. Could you?


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