It has been over 35 years since we met Ferris Buller (Matthew Broderick) and his friend Cameron Frye (Alan Ruck), and audiences of all ages still love watching their day off.
So what makes their movie so magical? Yesterday when Ruck was on The Talk, he shared his theory. “It is about friendship and generosity,” he said. “Cause here’s this guy. You know, he is almost a con man. And he has the whole school wired. He can take the day off and spend it with his gorgeous girlfriend. But who does he call up? His mopey friend, to show him a good time. You know, and pull him out of his shells. So I think that is a large part of it.”
Now that he said that, it all makes sense.
I don’t know about you, but I was always Team Cameron. And I love that he still moves and talks just like his character did. There was something about the way he does that that just attracted me to him. I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is going to be OK.
However, when it comes to the TV series, I was so Team Ferris!