Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this what Justin Bieber will be like in 2051?
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[ # ] Is this what Justin Bieber will be like in 2051?
September 9th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Justin Bieber

Friday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jim O’Heir announced that he was starring in a movie about Justin Bieber’s life as the musician himself? What? How can that older guy from Parks and Recreation play the 20 something year old singer? Because he isn’t playing him at this age, he’s Bieber when he 56 years old and no one even remember him. Not even the Beliebers who cry for him in the year 2013.
Things are so bad for future Justin that he has to make out with a Selena Gomez hologram. And we get the worst make out scene ever filmed for the big screen.
Now having said, I can’t wait to so Bieber 2051 when it comes next summer. Who’s with me?


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