Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this the unluckiest bidder in Price is Right’s history?
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[ # ] Is this the unluckiest bidder in Price is Right’s history?
February 24th, 2023 under The Price is Right

The announcer of The Price is Right told Lisa to come on down. And what she really needed to do was come on down on her bids.

That is because she went over on her first try by $1. And it didn’t get better after that. Then she was just $15 over the price for a 55″ television. Would the third time be the charm? Nope. She guessed $950 for a pair of snowboards that retail for $940.

They should bring her back to see if maybe her luck would change. If not, at least we could have fun watching how close she gets to the actual retail price.

Finally, I wonder if her lucky shirt is what doomed her. If she does get invited back, she should wear one that reads unlucky. Maybe that would make the difference.


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