Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Kelly Clarkson back this week?
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[ # ] Is Kelly Clarkson back this week?
March 17th, 2025 under Andy Cohen, Kal Penn, Kelly Clarkson

For the last two weeks, Kelly Clarkson has been missing from her daytime talk show without any explanation, and the show’s fans want to know where in the world is Kelly Clarkson?

The show has declined to say, but there are reports that she is dealing with a personal matter and that she is fine. There are also reports that she was back filming on Thursday.

So, is she back this week? The answer is yes and no.

When the show released this week’s lineups, they announced that Kal Penn would be sitting in her chair on Monday and Andy Cohen would be sitting there on Wednesday.

Then what about tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday? According to photos from the NBC Press Site, she will be back on March 18th. The episode on the 20th is the show’s 1,000th, so she will be there. Because how can you celebrate that milestone without her? And since they tape two episodes a day, she will also be there on Friday.

Now, when the episodes taped, we do not know. And they normally tape a week in advance, so that does not really tell us anything. Therefore, we should know if she is back next week. Maybe?

Will she address her absence? As of today, she has not. Even though she did announce on social media that she is releasing a duet with Rascal Flatts on Friday.

While she does not need to tell us why exactly she has been absent from her show, she should at least address it on social media by saying something like, “I need to take some time off and will be back as soon as I can. Everything is OK, and I can’t wait to be back to doing what I love as soon as I can.”

The fans get attached to their talk show hosts and get concerned when they are not there. It is the price of doing a talk show.


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