Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Charlie Sheen Jimmy Kimmel’s new Ben Affleck?
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[ # ] Is Charlie Sheen Jimmy Kimmel’s new Ben Affleck?
March 22nd, 2011 under Charlie Sheen, Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live he was interviewing Mark Cuban, who is rumored to be working with Charlie Sheen, when the former-Two and a Half Men star came out of nowhere and gave him a big long kiss on the lips. In fact later on during the appearance he told the host he has very moist lips. And with all the lips he has been kissing, I think that is a compliment?
Besides the lip lock moment, Sheen seemed high on some form of adrenaline that made him looked crazed to me. But that could just be me?
Oh and what do you think the Fox on the mug that Sheen gave Kimmel means? Do you think the rumors are true that he is going to get his own talk show on Fox? I think just like a bad car accident as much as I don’t want to look, I will find myself watching it.
Now back to Chimmy’s (yes, I named them) special moment, who do you think looked better kissing Kimmel…Ben Affleck of Charlie Sheen??? It is a toss up for me?
And what is up that in both pictures Kimmel and his bromancers have the same exact pose? Just saying…

(photos from ABC)


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