Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is CBS trying to lose viewers during the Super Bowl?
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[ # ] Is CBS trying to lose viewers during the Super Bowl?
February 19th, 2007 under CBS, Super Bowl

Katie Couric’s going to the Super Bowl. The "CBS Evening News" anchor will contribute a feature to CBS’ four-hour Super Bowl pregame show on Feb. 4, the network said on Thursday. She will also anchor the evening news from Miami, the site of the big game, on the Friday before the game. There’s precedent at other networks for the news anchors to be involved in sports coverage, including Brian Williams and Couric during NBC’s Olympic broadcasts, said Sean McManus, president of CBS News and Sports. "It is the biggest event of the day and it makes sense for us to showcase what she does before the biggest audience of the year," McManus said. Couric’s evening newscast is in third place in the ratings behind NBC and ABC. She’s tentatively scheduled to do a feature on Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward and his Korean heritage.


I understand that her show desperately needs viewers, but this is not the place or time to do it. She is like Off Spray to a mosquito when it comes to the average viewer of the Super Bowl. Why should we suffer for CBS’s mistake of hiring her?


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