Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Imagine Baby Reindeer with Melissa McCarthy
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[ # ] Imagine Baby Reindeer with Melissa McCarthy
June 26th, 2024 under Melissa McCarthy, Netflix

Baby Reindeer is one of Netflix’s most viewed shows. But would that be the case if Melissa McCarty played the stalker instead of Jessica Gunning?

That was almost the case because Variety reports Netflix and CAA really wanted her for the role, but Richard Gadd did not want her. And they added after she met with him, she “wasn’t interested.”

Gadd was reportedly so upset about CAA pushing her that he fired his agents with the agency.

I am happy that she was not part of the show because I don’t think we would’ve gotten past her being Melissa McCarthy. They needed to go with an unknown, and Gunning proved she was worthy of the role. She nailed the woman that the series was allegedly based on.

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