Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ice-T says something about big butts that shocks Conan O’Brien!
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[ # ] Ice-T says something about big butts that shocks Conan O’Brien!
June 12th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Ice-T/ Coco

Ice-T and his wife were on Conan O’Brien’s talk show and they talked about her infamous butt. At one point in the interview Ice-T said, “I think a lot of brothers need some butt because that is the impact area. You understand me? You don’t want to break a pelvis or anything. You dig?” By the look of the TBS late host’s face, you can tell he has never been able to dig to the point that a pelvis might be broken.
Butt, I am but, isn’t all the Law & Order: SVU star said. He also admitted that he can be a creepy man and that Coco can see her a$$ets. I just won’t elaborate why he said those things, you will just have to watch the video above to hear what he said.
Oh here is Ice-T’s picture of Coco that TBS censors would only let you see 3 whole seconds of.


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