IATSE told the studios and streaming services that they have until Monday to come up with an agreement, or they will go on strike. If they go on strike, Hollywood will shut down. That is because without camerapeople, sound people, props, and so on, actors cannot do their jobs.
Since the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees has stood with the actors, the writers, and the directors during their strikes, they are planning on supporting them if it happens. Therefore, Hollywood shuts down.
That means we will feel it immediately because there will be no live talk shows, no Dancing with the Stars, and no live theater that day. As time goes, and if the strike goes on, we will see delays in television shows and movies.
So what do the 60,000 union workers want? They want things such as reasonable rest periods, meal breaks, and a living wage for those on the bottom of the wage scale. That is not too much to ask for. Is it?
Since things are moving slowly with the negotiations and over 98% of the members voting for a strike if need be, President Matthew Loeb declared, “Without an end date, we could keep talking forever. Our members deserve to have their basic needs addressed now.”
Let’s pray they get the contract signed over the weekend. After the work stoppage due to COVID, we cannot afford another shutdown.