Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ian Ziering waxed his nose hairs
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[ # ] Ian Ziering waxed his nose hairs
September 13th, 2023 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place

I am a sadist! I love watching people in pain. So, I love watching videos of people waxing their nose hairs and pulling out the stick full of their nose hairs on wax.

So, when I saw Ian Ziering decided to do it, I had to watch. And I enjoyed that it hurt him so much that he fell to the floor in pain! Men are such wimps.

But the best part is watching how much his daughter, Penna, 10, enjoyed torturing her dad!

And the Beverly Hills, 90210 star learned a very important lesson. He needs to read the instructions before he attempts to wax his nose again because he did it incorrectly. And that caused him to suffer more pain. And that was a good thing for us and Penna.


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