Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I guess Charlie Sheen isn’t a Jamie Lee Curtis fan?
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[ # ] I guess Charlie Sheen isn’t a Jamie Lee Curtis fan?
November 25th, 2013 under Charlie Sheen, Jamie Lee Curtis

A few weeks ago Charlie Sheen offered to make peace with his ex-Two and a Half Men boss, Chuck Lorre, and over the weekend he had some harsh words for another Hollywood celebrity. He Tweeted the above comments about her salt and pepper hair and included the below photo. If it stopped there, then maybe it would be OK. But he ended his Tweet with (B)Witch. I don’t think he is referring to her Scream Queen past, so I am not sure why he called her that. Especially since it seems that everyone but him likes her.
I guess we will find out soon enough what he has against her. And I am sure in due time they will kiss and make up on his show Anger Management.


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