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December 10th, 2009 under Hot Links!

Guess who looks better from behind? – Celebslam
John Mayer is a racist? – Celebitchy
Lindsay Lohan's full nip slip – CelebJihad
Roseanne loves being Hitler – Heeb Magazine
What died on Lady Gaga's head now? – ICYDK
Tom Cruise and Katie Holme's PDA – Gabby Babble
The Richie/Madden Family show off – Amy Grindhouse
Victoria Beckham needs a much smaller hat – Holy Moly!
Who is Holly Madison's new Hugh Hefner? – Hollywood P.Q.
Who did the court ban from doing public appearances? – Dlisted
Who came between Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jamie Kennedy? – AB
Doesn't Jennifer Garner's real dad look like her TV one? – PopEater
Sex and the City 2's future is so bright, it has to wear shades – Popbytes

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