Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hostel II coming June 8, 2007!
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[ # ] Hostel II coming June 8, 2007!
December 12th, 2006 under Eli Roth

Earlier this year, when Eli Roth’s HOSTEL hit the undesirable release month of January, everyone was blown away about how successful it ended up being- and for an R rated horror film to boot! Now with a sequel yet-to-be-released, Lionsgate isn’t taking any chances, and has landed some prime release date real estate. Yes, HOSTEL: PART II finally has an official release date, and it is…. June 8th, 2007! You read that straight, PART II is going up against the big-doggs of summer in competition for some box office gold. And what timing too, as the week after that the FANTASTIC FOUR sequel hits, followed by EVAN ALMIGHTY and muthaf*ckin’ John McClane in LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD the week after that. Yes, while the summer is shaping up to be yet another summer of sequels, at least this summer we’re getting some genre love up in the mix. And you know PART II is going to kill the box office- especially since it went with an all hotties cast this time around.

Arrow in the Head

I can’t wait for 6.08.07!!! 


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