Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Haunted Prison: A Sci Fi Channel movie that doesn’t suck!
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[ # ] Haunted Prison: A Sci Fi Channel movie that doesn’t suck!
October 12th, 2006 under Reviews, Saved by the Bell/City Guys, Syfy

Last Thursday night, I went to a screening of this Saturday’s (October 14th at 9p) Sci Fi Channel movie Haunted Prison. And all I have to say is the movie is amazing! Recently, the movies on Sci Fi’s Saturday night have been…well…painful. So when I saw the trailer for Haunted Prison I thought the streak of bad movies on Sci Fi was over, and then when I saw the movie it was confirmed. In fact Haunted Prison is better than a lot of horror movies I have recently seen in theaters! The movie is based in an abandoned prison, where several years earlier a prison riot left all but one person, a warden (Stacy Keach) dead. Fast forward to present day, a documentary film crew decides to tell the story of the prison at the same a bunch of jewerly robbers (lead by Jake Busey) are forced to hide out in the prison. While in normal circumstances the living should be more afraid of each other, in this movie it is the dead you should fear. This is the third movie I have seen from Writer, Director and Producer Kevin VanHook and I think is the best of one them all! What makes this movie so amazing? Well the special effects will blow you away. The deaths are original, extremely gory and so well done; it will be amazing to see how many of them will actually be shown in their entirety on Sci Fi. The acting in this movie seals the deal! Stacy Keach as always is such a great son of a bitch. Jake Busey as a psycho jewelry robber is perfect for him. And then there is the documentary cameraman played by Scott Whyte, he is so freaking likeable that you just root for him to survive! So tune in or set your Tivo/DVR to record Haunted Prison on Sci Fi this Saturday at 9p because I promise you if you love a good horror movie, you are going to love this movie!


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