Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hasn’t Jimmy Fallon’s hands been through enough?
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[ # ] Hasn’t Jimmy Fallon’s hands been through enough?
September 16th, 2016 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Fallon
A few months ago, when Hillary Clinton was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon ran his fingers through her hair to prove it is real. It is.
Yesterday, when her opponent was on the NBC late night show, the host decided to do the same thing. He took his good hand, and bravely stuck it into the unknown to mess up Donald Trump’s thingy. What did it reveal? I don’t know. What did it look like? I don’t know. It just you know, you know?
When it comes to Fallon’s hand, I just picture it disappearing like Michael J Fox’s did in Back to the Future when his parents weren’t going to get together.


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