Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Harrison Ford goes all Darth Vader to Conan O’Brien
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[ # ] Harrison Ford goes all Darth Vader to Conan O’Brien
July 6th, 2023 under Conan O'Brien, Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford was on Conan O’Brien’s podcast Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend. However, what I think the former late night host really needs is a hug after that interview.

Ford has a very dry sense of humor, so dry deserts are jealous. And most talk show hosts can’t play along with him. But Conan is the one who can. So the two of them played off each other as the actor ripped Conan a new one.

I hope Conan has his therapist on speed dial because he is going to need a Shrinking session after that chat.

And I just want to say I agree with Ford. I don’t know why Conan is still not on television. He was the best host in late night. And we miss him. Well, at least I do.

Although, he is a lot more free to be himself on the podcast. So there is that.


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