To see even more doggies dressed to the Halloween nines then

Splash News Online
New York held its 19th Annual Dog Halloween Parade and it brought out some of the cutest dogs in their costumes. Seriously I don’t know what is more awwwwdorable the costumes or the puppies’ faces in them. They look so miserable to be dressed like that, but that is what makes it even more precious!
I can’t say which one is my favorite, but there is definitely some original Halloween attire there. I love the Incredible Hulk, the Thriller Michael Jackson, the Gansta, the Jackie O (who brings the tude) and the biker dogs. Actually I arf-dore them all! Which costume makes you want to stand and bark?
[ # 371513 ] Comment from korin [October 27, 2009, 1:09 pm]
umm, i totally don’t get the box of crayons. what is that besides a burden? poor cutie pie.