Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Halle Berry shares the saddest fact about herself
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[ # ] Halle Berry shares the saddest fact about herself
August 20th, 2015 under Halle Berry, Jimmy Kimmel
Halle Berry was on Jimmy Kimmel Live the other night and she revealed that she has never had a birthday party. When the ABC late night host asked her even as a kid, she said she didn’t remember having one. That is the saddest thing I have heard. Birthday parties are awesome, everyone loves them no matter how old they get.
Now if you think that maybe you can rectify her situation, you are wrong. Her friends tried to throw her a surprise one, but she found about it. When it came time for the party, she didn’t show up. So she remains birthday partyless.
Thankfully for her kids, they get to have parties. Just ones that are not as lavish as the ones the other stars’ kids get to have.


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