Seriously? OMG! WTF? » FYI, who will and won’t be back on Murphy Brown?
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[ # ] FYI, who will and won’t be back on Murphy Brown?
February 26th, 2018 under Candice Bergen, CBS

Last month, CBS announced that they were bringing back Murphy Brown in the fall for 13 episodes, but they did not say who would be back besides Candice Bergen. Today, they did and Faith Ford (Corky Sherwood), Joe Regalbuto (Frank Fontana) and Grant Shaud (Miles Silverberg) will all reprise their roles on the revival.

While we see those four again, as of now we will not see them joined by Charles Kimbrough (Jim Dial), who turns 82 in May. Also not part of the revival is Robert Pastorelli (Eldin), who passed away in 2004. No word if Scott Bakula will sneak over to the show on a break from NCIS: NoLa to play her ex and Avery’s dad. Since I have read reports that her son plays a big part on it, I am sure they will find a way.

Murphy Brown celebrates it 30th anniversary this year, so the fact that they got 4 of the originals to return to the sitcom is pretty impressive. Plus, their return makes me want to watch it now!

Now that we know who is back and who isn’t, all we need is for Mike Pence to pick a fight with Murphy Brown! How absolutely fabulous would that be? I am sure Donald Trump will find a way to Tweet his distaste for the show, but then again what TV show, that isn’t on Fox News, does he not have a problem with?


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